Susanville Center is located on the Lassen County Fairgrounds.
The center operates full year Early Head Start and Head Start/State Preschool services for children ages 0-4 years old.
Susanville Center Information
Toddler Class: 18-36 Months
Preschool Class: 3-4 Years Old
Calendar and Newsletter
Susanville Center Updates

Being a leader for your family includes coming to parent meetings and making meaningful decisions about what your child is learning. We had a wonderful turn out for our first parent meeting of the 2024/2025 school year with 13 parents joining us for a great meeting, some pulled pork nachos for dinner and lots of laughs. During this parent meeting we elected some parents in to some specific leadership roles. A big thank you to our elected PC Representative for this school year Katie, our Parent Committee Chairperson Kyle, Vice Chairperson Autumn and our Secretary Makayla.
Thu Sep 19 10:29 AM

Our first week back to school has been so much fun. Teachers and kids are getting back into the routine of the school day and we are looking forward to a great 2024-2025 school year. Enjoy some pictures from our first week.
Thu Aug 29 11:46 AM

May 6-10th was Teacher Appreciation week and we are celebrating our teacher's and letting them know that they are appreciated this week, next week and all year long. Our teacher's do so much for the children and families in our program and we could not be happier that we have such an amazing team. So this week's goodies included candy, breakfast pastries from a local coffee shop, taco platters for lunch, flower bouquets and a little self care kit.
Fri May 10 08:38 AM

April 24th, 2024 Barney McKee came to visit the Preschool Classroom to go dental exams and apply fluoride for our children. Dental Health is important to us at Head Start.
Fri Apr 26 04:34 PM